
Mathlete Game

Deviousbard sent me this wonderful game. It combines two of my favorite things -- computer games and prime numbers. Both of these are very popular with the women.

Sherry, don't worry, you don't have to have an interweb connection to play! You can save the page locally so you can play sans interweb. Life is good.

On a side note, the domain name for the PrimeShooter game is a little troubling: 1729.com. 1729 is definitely not prime. Maybe I should contact the owner. That's just embarrassing.


  1. Of course "!729" isn't prime, silly. Exclamation points are never prime.
    Gosh. I would have thought you'd know that. Disappointing.

  2. I see your editor stopped by. Nice.

  3. Yeah. My editor is great. BTW: 727 is prime. I was close.

  4. 1729 is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes, two different ways: (1^3 + 12^3), and (9^3 + 10^3).

    The number shows up often enough in math folklore that it has its own Wiki Page.

  5. prime shooter rocks! well, its alot more amusing than work ATM.
