
I Know a Guy Who Knows a Guy

We have/had the worst oil company ever.

Instead of spending my morning protesting in front of the local church, I was busy calling home heating oil companies. After twenty-three separate, "I'm sorry, sir, we only provide emergency service to existing customers," dead ends, I gave my neighbor a call. He's a man who's spent his life in Carlisle and seems to know a little something about everyone.

He leans on me for geek support, I lean on him when I have...I don't...I can't think of...any other kind of problem.

me:“Hey, man. I got a problem with my furnace and I was wondering if you could help"”
John:“Sure. What do you need"”
me:“Um, two hundred fifty gallons of oil.”
John:“Dauphin Oil left you high and dry.”
me:“Yeah...how'd you know"”
John:“Oh, everyone knows they've been havin' problems lately. I bet you're havin' fun tryin' to get someone to fill up your tank on a Sunday.”
me:“I called everyone I could find in the phone book. They all tell me the same thing.”
John:“That they only help existing customers, right"”
John:“OK, let me make a few calls. I'll call you back in a few minutes.”
me:“K. Thanks.”
a few minutes later
John:“OK, here's what you need to do. Call Carlisle Petroleum and...”
me:“I already called them.”
John:“Well, call them again. But this time, tell the person that the message is for Paul.”
John:“Paul. And tell them that you're a customer of Dauphin Oil.”
me:“OK. Is that it"”
John:“Yeah. She won't do anything until you tell her that the message is for Paul.”
me:“Tell her the message is for Paul and that I'm a customer of Dauphin Oil.”
John:“Yeah. Tell them that and you'll have heat in an hour.”
CPI Service:“I'm sorry sir, we only provide emergency service to existing...”
me:“This message is for Paul. Please tell Paul that I need oil.”
CPI Service:“....OK, can I have your address and phone number please.”

Fifty minutes later? Heat.

1 comment:

  1. Wrong approach. Need to try Jerky Boys method.

    me: "Listen here you stupid oil monkey, you get you damn truck over here an pump some oil pronto!!! -- Or I'll shove that hose up your ass!"

    CPI Service: "Yes Sir, be right over..."

    These people can "smell vulnerability"
