
I Heart Amazon

I hate Walmart; not because I'm against a free market economy, but because I despise being in that store. So, since I can't bring myself to buy items at inflated grocery store prices, I'm forced to patronize Walmart about once a month.

Amazon to the rescue!

I've started using Amazon's Subscribe & Save. It's a grocery store with a limited selection. Their shelves are stocked with nonperishable bulk items at cheap1 prices and the shipping is free. This isn't anything to get excited about.

The "Subscribe" part is what I'm excited about. There are some things I can never seem to remember to buy. When I notice that I'm getting low on razors, I'm never in situation where I can write it down. So when I decided to buy a 12 pack of razors from Amazon, I had to specify a "Delivery Schedule". I'm thinkin' I'll need another 12 pack in 3 months. We'll see. If I've miscalculated the delivery schedule, I can change it later. Also, if I'm running low, I can tell Amazon to send the next shipment right away. Or, if I'm overstocked, I can tell them to skip the next shipment.

Subscribe & Save helps me cut down on mind numbing minutiae of everyday life.

me (head):"Do I have to stop by Walmart on the way home from work today? No I don't!"

1Always calculate the unit price, not all items are great buys.


Friendly Competition

It's been a little over a year since I started working at the new company.

I'm feeling more comfortable with my coworkers. Mr. Kratzer and I figured it was time for some friendly competition.

Bring it on Highspire First Church of God. Bring it on.

In related news, one of my religious coworkers tried argue that because atheists are morally bankrupt, it would OK steal candy from our box. Yawn.

Just two days after the competition began, our opponent resigned and removed their candy box.


Still Alive

I'm still here. I've been unmotivated and too busy to write a post...for 89 days.

I've been busy:
  • buying a new, ghost free, home

  • making last minute repairs on our old home before putting it on the market (read: polishing the turd)

  • selling our old home

  • helping the 4 other household members deal with the stress of school

  • working (duh!)

  • teaching a class on Hibernate...shut up!

  • trying to get Comcast to unfuck my "triple play" service - 45 days without a home phone

  • going on the best vacation ever

To quote Sweet Tea -- "Waaaaaa!"

Anyway, I'm back.