
Happy Birthday Jesus

An acquaintance of ours thought it would be nice to give our children some Christmas gifts.My daughter was given a Daily Study Bible for Women and a P.O.D. CD.Both of my sons were given the same book, Extreme Teen Bible. My oldest son was given a Rebecca St. James CD and my youngest son given a BarlowGirl CD.

Hmmm...I think I've identified a common theme here. I think this jackass wishes to expose our children to Christianity, even though he knows what our beliefs are.

My kids didn't know what do with the gifts, so we donated them to a local church.


  1. See, you are confused. This country was created so it's people could have freedom *of* religion, not freedom *from* religion. There is no constitutional right to not practice religion. And in addition, those who do have religion absolutely have the right (and are encouraged) to impose it on you. Nice, huh?

  2. Beautiful. So now I have a problem with the 1st and 2nd amendments...only 25 more to go.

  3. Well, at least they didn't give the kids some rattlesnakes to handle.

  4. Here's my favorite from the url:
    "Look around; some of your friends or family members might be snake handlers--try to be understanding."

    Uh, Tony, your pet viper bit my foot again. Can you please hand me the anti-venom.

  5. least favorite amendment...

