I was treated to this inspiring bumper sticker on my drive home from work.
Ummm...I could just feel the warmth of God's love embrace my soul.
Yup, I'm still an atheist. Sharing heaven with this guy would be hell.
Actually Millhouse, I hate to bust your bubble. The wages of sin is death is grammatically correct. It's actually a technique called synesis.
ReplyDeleteHere is a more detailed explanation of the topic...stupid English.
p.s. did you spot the grammatical error in the first sentence?
not to mention it was translated a dozen times over a thousand years. cut those poor christians some slack!
ReplyDeleteOh right! They're such a repressed segment of our population. Those poor Christians. How else will they be able to dominate our media, political agendas, and government institutions?
ReplyDeleteChristians "dominate" our media, political agendas, and government institutions about as much as Malawi dominates the world market.
ReplyDeleteWhile your ignorant aggression could be considered comical by some, I'm already bored with it.
In case you haven't watched the news for the past four years, or had a family member or friend affected by the tragic blunders of our government, I thought I should point out that we've been at war...and our president assures us it's the right thing to do, because God told him so.
Here's a homework assignment for you: tell me how many members of the President's cabinet, Supreme Court, and both Houses of Congress claim to be Christians. You might as well also research how many states have enacted anti-homosexual legislation in the past 10 years. Then come back here and tell us how Christians don't dominate political agendas and government institutions.
This isn't your Wednesday night Bible study group...your faith and your empty quips count for nothing here. Bring some facts to the table, or move on and share your ignorance with someone else.
I'd like to know what aggression you're referring to Sweet? Tea. I've been nothing but civilized with my posts, which is more than I can say for your little diatribe. You must be reading into my posts and adding your own indignation.
ReplyDeleteYou, and others of like mind, are filled with so much hate and condemnation. Your hypocrisy is rampant, and yet you don't even acknowledge it.
Surely you know that not everyone who claims to be of a particular belief system believe the same thing, right? I mean Clinton claimed to be Christian too. Did you vote for him both times?
Perhaps you are a staunch atheist, and just support atheistic candidates. In that regard, yes "Christians" dominate. It's political suicide not to claim to be Christian.
Hey thanks for making my point. So, do you admit you were spouting nonsense just to sound clever, or can you logically reconcile these two statments:
ReplyDeleteIt’s political suicide not to claim to be Christian.
Christians “dominate” our media, political agendas, and government institutions about as much as Malawi dominates the world market.
And yeah, I am filled with hate and condemnation. Hate for those who destroy life in the name of God, and condemnation for those who enable destruction with their blind faith, insistent ignorance, and self-righteous passive aggression.
I'm intrigued by your "rampant hypocrisy" accusation...is this just another empty phrase that you're hoping to antagonize me with? Or can you back up your accusation with an example?
Gene: I'm not going to explain again the difference between claiming one thing and actually living it. You should be more discerning, and less stereotypically foolish.
ReplyDeleteJC: You didn't ask me to prove the existence of God, you asked me to prove "Dawkins’ deep-rooted belief that there is no God is merely a hope in practicality.” I did not bother to list the reason(s) because Dawkins fails to prove anything of substance. He hates religion, thinks it dangerous, and pragmatically hopes/fights for it's disappearance.
ReplyDeleteYour pattern is at least consistent. You say nothing that can be proven or disproven, offer no facts or examples to back up your beliefs, and fail to reconcile the illogic of your own statements.
For your sake, I hope you're 16 years old. Then I can at least understand why you fail to offer a coherent argument. But if this is the peak of your intellectual maturity, my contempt for you is nearly exceeded by my pity.
Enjoy your life of intellectual denial. If you want to grow a little, and engage in some sort of logical debate, I'd be happy to help expand your mind. But if you're just going to continue to reiterate your baseless faith, I won't waste any more time.
Woah, Woah, Woah.
ReplyDeleteLet me get this straight - Malawi does NOT dominate the world market?
JC, you say: "Ummm…I could just feel the warmth of God’s love embrace my soul."
ReplyDeleteDo atheists believe in souls now? Science can't prove the existence of a soul. And anyway isn't the soul suppose to be part and parcel of God?
This whole acknowledgement of your soul seems to be self-contradictory to your rubber-stamped 'atheist' title.
I don't write these words to offend you - I put them forward to you out of pure curiousity.
ReplyDeletelay off kyle, he is mearly saying what he belives, and in turn i beleive in God, you can beleive what you want, im not here to shove my religion down your throat, just cut him some slack hay?!