
How Jedi Are You?

Here is another personality test. Charlie wanted me to post this in my blog. I'm kind of tired of these tests, but I feel bad for Charlie. I don't think that he has very many friends. Charlie is proud to say that he is a Qui-Gon Jinn, and his "friend" (I just nod like I believe him) is a Yoda. I am a Little Anakin. I don't care...I'm a pilot, you know, and someday I'm going to fly away from this place.


  1. According to the quiz, um hum, Master Yoda I am. Kind of a disappointment. Han Solo I wanted to be.

  2. You Are a Failure

    The results of the test are in: you suck. All options need to have a radio button checked, or you're just going to keep seeing this page. Dummy.

    If you feel this to be a poor judgement on behalf of the internet, or a defamation of your otherwise spotless character, please feel free to go to take a flying fuck at a rolling donut send me a message*.


    I suck at being a Jedi. Man, does that make me want to cry. I had to skip the Lost Twenty question because I don't have a fucking clue what the Lost Twenty are. So yeah, I failed my Jedi test. You failed at life when you took the time to create a Jedi test.

  3. Have you and Charlie DeathMached yet?

    He is a gamer.

  4. I sense much fear in sweet tea.

  5. I sense much fear in Sparrow Legs.

    When will you and Charlie enter Thunderdome? I guess it is ok to be afraid, he does have mad sniper skillz.
