
My Daugher's Friend: Gandhi

My daughter had a friend visit for the day. Things were going well until we ate lunch. Her friend refused to eat lunch because she is on a "hunger strike until she gets a drum". This 7 year old girl hasn't eaten for four days! Her older brother (not on a hunger strike) has confirmed her story. Wow. It must be a really nice drum.


  1. Well, duh.

  2. Damn...I admire that girl. I couldn't go on a hunger strike for four hours, let alone days. Imagine how her parents must be freaking out. They can't let their daughter starve, but they can't give in to her demands either for risk of setting a dangerous precedent. She's completely backed them into a corner...and to deliver a coup de grace like that at seven years old is an amazing achievement. The discipline alone is stunning, even if she doesn't fully realize how delicious (pun intended) her tactics are. Imagine what parenting her at 16 is going to be like.

  3. Buy her the drum and make her eat it.

  4. Any updates?

  5. kfc has drumsticks on sale
