
The Favorite Parent

My wife and I took our old son to a school function. We were sitting with our son and some of his friends when my wife said to him:
"How's that rash? Are you still putting the cream on it?"

Wow! She is officially a typical mother.

It doesn't matter how emotionally detached I am, I'm a shoo-in for the favorite parent position.


  1. Yeah, I'm sure the dorks on the debate team really gave him a hard time about that one...right after they taped up their glasses and readjusted their pocket protectors.

    At least I know our son's friends. I dare you to name all six of the kids at the function last night and which ones are important to him.

    Go ahead.

    And since when is "atypical" something to be proud of?

    1: deviating from what is
    usual or common or to be expected;
    often somewhat odd or strange

    Nevermind. "Odd or strange." Sounds about right.

  2. Hmm...are you implying that the converse is true, and "typical" is something to be proud of?

  3. Nope, quite the contrary. In fact, we relish in our atypical-ness.

  4. K, I'm confused.

  5. You said typical.
    I said atypical.

    You said tomato.
    I said tomato.

    Let's call the whole thing off.

  6. y - My rash is better now. Thanks.
