
New Building Materials

When I build my house I know what toilet and drywall I'll be using. The drywall is $80 per sheet though...so I'll have to save up.


  1. $1,600 just to poo?

    And then you need "special paper" to line the bowl?

    Bowl Liners, Unfolded, 1000 sheets
    Special paper, pre-cut and ready for you to fold and glue into bowl liners. NOTE: Must have template (TEM001) to fold corners correctly. Pkg of 1,000 sheets.
    Price: $38.00

    Template for folding Bowl Liners
    Metal template should be ordered with first order of Unfolded Bowl Liners so that corners can be folded accurately, giving proper shape to finished Bowl Liner.
    Price: $5.00

  2. Yup that's the one. I don't cut corners.
