
Shadow Of The Colossus

Sounds like my wedding night!

I received a Shadow Of The Colossus demo disc for the PS2 in the mail last week. I'm not sure why. It must be a perk of being an elite gamer.

I finally took the time to play it. It's a third-person platform game kind of like God of War. Oddly, the demo starts you off in the middle of huge field. It doesn't actually draw you in. The visuals and sounds are cool. Your special sword directs you to where you need to go. Letting my special sword guide me was very natural for me. You are guided to a cliff that you have to navigate by climbing and jumping. Once you reach the top you find yourself standing in the shadow of a huge creature. Hey! They should name the game, "Shadow of the Huge Creature," or something. Anyway, you need to kill this guy. I know this because he is not me, and he trying to step on me. The on-screen help tells you to climb this creature (I am not sure what to call him...) and stab him repeatedly with your sword. I tried to do this. I failed. The action was underwhelming and slow.

Forty five minutes later, I awoke from my game-induced slumber, ejected the game and threw it in the trash. There's 45 minutes I'll never get back. I'll just add that to the 120 minutes I wasted watching Serenity.

Colossus! The creature could be called a Colossus!


  1. nature: NOUN
    natural: ADJECTIVE
    very: ADVERB

    Adverb: The part of speech that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb.

    "Letting my special sword guide me was very nature for me."

    Now if nature is a noun and very modifies things other than nouns...

    And don't be cute by just deleting very.

    Natural, an adjective, is required when you are modifying the clause.

  2. roflcopter

    noob slap down.



    We shouldn't be too hard on him, after all he is 3x the age of the target audience.

  3. 1 6u355 1 5h0u|d u53 7h15 7h3 n3x7 71m3 1'm 7ry1n6 70 p053 45 4n 3|173 64m3r.
