
I Just Don't Understand

There are several things that I don't understand in this world. Zero Point Energy, video compression algorithms, and people like this.


  1. MMM...organized religion, its good for the soul.

  2. I love me some good blood letting.

  3. These pictures remind me of how I looked after my wife beat me down with that decorative cinnamon broom.

  4. So what happens to these guys after their...uh...celebrations?

    Do hospitals in Pakistan (or other heavily Muslim countries) have special "religious self-mutilation" wards? Do the patients pay for treatment with their own money, i.e. they save their rupees for the annual forehead-slicing? Or is there government healthcare/medical insurance that covers self-inflicted sword wounds around the holidays? Or do they skip medical treatment, and simply bear the raging fever from infection and resulting scars with some sort of pious pride?

    Far be it from me to question the Omniscient Invisible Spirit In The Sky and what sort of brutality makes Him happy, but it seems to me that religion sure makes people do strange things. Thank goodness I live in a civilized country, where we bomb abortion clinics and criminalize scientific research instead of multilating ourselves with swords.

    On second thought, pass me that machete.
