
Total Chaos

Well it appears that the guys at Capital Blue Cross (not my old employer per se, but the last place I worked) miss me. They sent me this photo. I didn't get the impression that I was going to be missed. (this is a really long sentence, so take a deep breath) On my last day, when I asked if anyone wanted a pelvis-in, inappropriately long hug,   topped off with a shoulder nuzzle, and a dangerously low back rub, I got no takers.

My first day at Versatile was total chaos. Remember that laptop I was supposed to get? I won't be getting it until Monday. I'm told it will be an IBM ThinkPad T43. It was hard to concentrate with interweb withdrawal. I also didn't have a cellphone, so I felt completely cut-off. Remember the scene from The Matrix when Neo doesn't know he's in the matrix yet? He's sitting in his cube at work staring at his computer.  A package is delivered, and it's a cellphone? Well, it's kind of like that, only no computer, no package, and no cellphone.

I went out to lunch with the guys from Chase (my old employer). Their office is in the same business park as Versatile. Nick paid. He said something like "Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me..." I think it's a literary reference. I'm pretty sure he's gonna ask me to look the other way while he dumps some suspicious trash in my dumpster.


  1. Nice link...

  2. :) Zinger!

  3. We don't discuss business at the dinner table.

  4. Nice link. Even though it's not the right one, per se.

  5. What do you mean? CBC and Highmark are the same company...right?

  6. Nice, I see that you link to Capital Blue Cross takes you to Highmark.com
