
An Easy Target

Everyone knows that Sherry is a TV nut. But I have to say, it was pretty funny to see a hand written note depicting the up coming TV schedule. Here is a computerized rendering of the note:

8PM 9PM 10PM
Sun Amazing Race (C) Simpsons (F) Family Guy (F) Brothers & Sisters (A)
Mon Prison Break (F) Heroes (N) Runway (CW) Brian (A) Studio 60 (N)
Tues Fri Night Lights (N) Gilmore (CW) Knights (A)
Wed Jericho (C) Lost (A) The Nine (A) Kidnapped (N)
Thurs Ugly Betty (A) Earl/Office (N) Survivor (C) Grey's (A) Six Degrees (A) ER (N)

You're welcome!

See Sherry? Why are you still using paper? You can even add links to the various shows. Here is my schedule for the upcoming TV season:

8PM 9PM 10PM
Sun Simpsons (F) Family Guy (F) Quake
Mon Quake Heroes (N) Girls Gone Wild
Tues binge/purge teen porn
Wed asian porn Lost (A) play with air compressor
Thurs Earl/Office (N) burn stuff Quake

I noticed you have an opening in your schedule Tuesday nights at 10PM. I left that time open as well. Wink wink. Nudge Nudge.


  1. Approximate time Sherry spends watching television each week: 8 hours.

    Approximate time it took Sherry to hand write her chart: 12 minutes.

    Approximate time it took JC to create a table of the same handwritten chart: 7 hours and 9 minutes

    Not realizing he created the table during the "opening" on the Tuesday night schedule at which time he could have had SEX WITH HIS WIFE (wink wink nudge nudge): priceless.

    (This is a reference to a popular television commericial. You probably don't get it since you're above all that...)

    p.s. Oh, Honey, Don't forget Project Runway is on tonight. I know how disappointed you were last week when Kayne didn't win since you were so (what did you say?) "fond of the way his dress draped and the off-set corset." See you at 10PM in front of the fucking television.

  2. I may not be the smartest guy, but even I know that blogging about your wife is a dumb idea.

  3. Oh and football is considered "good" content.

  4. It doesn't bother me (much) if the offended football players withhold sex.

  5. What you do on your own time is your own business.

  6. I like how you scheduled "teen porn" right before the "opening."
