

A brand new look

I've made some cosmetic changes. Duh! I hope you like them. Deppen, I'm sorry to introduce so much change at one time. We'll get through this together.

As you can see, I'm having some trouble creating an icon that I like. I'll get it...just give me some time.

Member's Only (sorry, no jackets)

I'm been receiving a ton of spam (splog). I guess it was only a matter of time. I've decided to use the chalkdust approach: member logins. I don't like it, but for now, this is how it's gotta be. I've setup accounts for the usual visitors. If you haven't received your account information, it is probably because of one or more reasons:
  • I just forgot about you.
  • I don't have your email address.
  • You've never posted a comment, so I didn't see the point.
  • I don't want you to have an account.

If you would like an account, just email me. If you don't know my email address or can't figure out what it is, then you probably shouldn't be asking for an account.


  1. I'm happy and angry.

  2. You're like two Smurfs in one amazing package.

  3. How bad would sherry flip if you didnt give her an account?

  4. Are you trying to start trouble, young mann?

  5. He is. He is! I didn't take the bait Sherry. I did the right thing. Right?

  6. One comment -- the new layout is wider than it was before. Unlike Pontiac, I don't know if I think wider is better. I don't like having to scroll left and right.

    However given the elite status that my login grants me, this may be an acceptible trade.

  7. You have to scroll left and right? Are you reading this on your cellphone?

  8. nah, I just don't browse full screen. your old site fit perfectly, this one -- not so much.

    by the way, your site loads just fine on my cell phone. although the logo at the top looks a bit funny because of how much it has to shrink it. also, the background color on the text is orange, while the page is blue. looks kind of nice, actually.

  9. So, Vilma got the HDTV, and you got the kick-ass cellphone?...and piece of mind?

  10. grande, you should get a bigger monitor ;) need some help breaking yours?
